Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

King of Hell

"I'm about to die. My dream finally will come true, to fight the King of Hell and to take his crown." - Mr. Jack

Ini adalah cerita aneh waktu gue lagi belajar bahasa Inggris di Pare. Tentang teen gue yang bikin penasaran orang sekelas waktu itu. Dia adalah cowok yang pinter berbahasa Inggris, So much better than me. The most important thing is his imagination is so fucking wild and amazing! 

Ceritanya begini :
Suatu hari, kami ngebahas mengenai Dream Place. Semua orang sharring about the most favorites place to visit like Paris, Bali, Germany, Italy, dan banyak lagi. Then the teacher asked him, "What is your dream place?"
He answered, "I wanna go to hell."

*We had an awkward momment*

Then he smiled. Everybody surprised.

Another day :
we talked about Dream Job. Lagi-lagi dia mulai ngebahas hal-hal yang tak terduka.Kebetulan waktu itu dia adalah partnerku untuk conversation section. He said that he wanna be a killer. He Want to kill everybody who became a success person. He wanna be a killer for paid.

Another friend asked him, "Are you crazy?! Go to hell!"
Then he said, "Yeah! Tha's my dream. I will go to hell. I will fight the King of Hell, to take his crown and put it in my head. I will be a King of Hell."
*another awkward momment*
What about me? I know tthat! I know him. I know that his imagination is like a bunch of shit. He just play trick on  us. But that is the most interesting thing for me. He is fucking freak and so different even his english and his imagination was so wild. Anyway, there is no more sexy for man than his english and imagination, right?!! waawrr...hihi

The day after, I had dinner with him.  We talked about our club, life, study, and many things. He gave suggestion to take some course that could help me to be good speakers, and bla bla bla. Nothing special but he still inspiring in that time. In the end, we planned to go to Bromo mt with all of our friends in english club. Holiday would be coming soon!!

The day after dinner, our teacher would like to discuss about doomsday. What if tomorrow never comes. Gue jadi keingat tuh bocah, "nah...kemana ni anak...kok nggak dateng?!". He didn't come. There was no information about him. Setelah kelas, he text-ed me and said that he got a sick, he cancelled to go to Bromo with us, and  he said he couldn't come for his examination in this weekend. Aji, temen gue yang kebetulan satu camp ama dia bilang, "gue liat kalo tuh bocah aneh, tiba-tiba mimisan trus temennya nganter dia ke terminal, entah kemana dia pergi." I know, there is something wrong with him. You know what, we got a fact that he has different name in every class and different name at his camp as well. OMG! What happened with him! Tentu saja kami semua penasaran.

Saking penasarannya, akhirnya gue nanya ke dia, "Heh...kemana lo nggak dateng?"
Can you guess what did he say?
He said that he got a bad sick, "I about to die. My dream finally will come true, to fight with the King of Hell and to take his crown." Gimana sih rasanya kalau lo baca? Masih bisa becanda nih anak ya! Or is that true?

Entah apa yang terjadi ama dia, kami di keas berdoa buat dia saat itu, biar dia cepet sembuh. Itu juga kalau dia bener-bener sakit ya. Abis berdoa, dia text-ed me,  "Gue di rumah sakit, gue bahkan diinfus di tangan kanan sama tangan kiri. bentar lagi gue mau diinfus di jidat. hiks"

Gilak gak sih tuh bocah! Kampret!Apapun yang terjadi ama dia, kami berharap, may God Bless him and may he get well soon. Dan setelah saat itu, kami nggak pernah ketemu lagi, sampai adanya suatu cerita yang lain lagi.

TYL, You are the craziest man that I ever met! GBU!!

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