Jumat, 23 Januari 2015

King of Hell

"I'm about to die. My dream finally will come true, to fight the King of Hell and to take his crown." - Mr. Jack

Ini adalah cerita aneh waktu gue lagi belajar bahasa Inggris di Pare. Tentang teen gue yang bikin penasaran orang sekelas waktu itu. Dia adalah cowok yang pinter berbahasa Inggris, So much better than me. The most important thing is his imagination is so fucking wild and amazing! 

Ceritanya begini :
Suatu hari, kami ngebahas mengenai Dream Place. Semua orang sharring about the most favorites place to visit like Paris, Bali, Germany, Italy, dan banyak lagi. Then the teacher asked him, "What is your dream place?"
He answered, "I wanna go to hell."

*We had an awkward momment*

Then he smiled. Everybody surprised.

Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

My Heart Will Go On

Him : If you love me, why don't you kiss me? Me : surprised.

What do you think you have boyfriend from another country? He is French or he is from Germany, maybe... And what the people think about you if you hang out with your handsome boyfriend in a romantic cafe, and every body look at you? It's like so proud of you, you will be very happy, and that's your day!! And can you imagine when you are in your wedding day and wearing awesome wedding dress. Your parents smiling and said, "Look! What a lucky my daughter!" 

That's exactly what I was thinking about when I met someone, someone who always in my head 'til right now. He is French. I met him when took master degree in Yogyakarta. I met him in a simply conversation that brought me in awesome experience.