Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Keep Calm, silence, and still Enjoy It

Sometimes the greatest moment of your life present itself in the form of nearness to someone you love - Alexandra Wicaksono

Pernah nggak, ngrasain, when you just strarted dating with your couple, you will do anything to avoid the silence between you both?
You will keep trying to find topics to talk about to minimize the 'awkward moment'. Because of the awkward moment drives you to think "ngomong apa lagi ya?" or "dia kok diem ya?" or "aku salah ngomong ya?" I'm sure, kalian pernah ngalamj saat-saat sepeti itu kan?

In one time, you will realize, when you grow up in your relationship, you will think that being around each other and being silence is normal and it is okay. Since my man is a moody guy, sometime when he on his badmood, he becomes un-conversationalist. I've tried to find his habit when I'm dating without make a conversation between us. Baiknya, dia nggak banyak ngomongin tentang dia, menyombongkan apapun tentang dia, and I love the fact that I'm not dating with someone who happily talk about himself.

Kadang gue juga heran, saat dia fokus ngerjain tesisnya dan gue asik baca novel atau sibuk dengan sosmed di sebelah dia, still we could enjoy companying each other in silence. Anyway, we always keep touching or create our gestures to show that we're still care to each other. Kadang juga gue iseng ganguin dia. Iseng aja, biar nggak terlalu serius dia dan muka lempengnya ngadepin laporannya di laptop. Spontanitas, nggak ada peraturan yang sengaja kami buat sebelum pacaran buat kayak begitu.

But believe me : when someone love you, he/she will do sonething to show he/she love you even you are not looking. Naturally dia pasti ngelakuin hal kecil untuk nunjukin kalau dia peduli sama kamu.

Anita Riadcliffe 

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